Thursday, September 18, 2008

AIA 2030

When I listened to the Lecture about sustainability, I realized that are so many more things that killing our planet than just cars and factories. There is carbon everywhere, which I never thought about before. There is carbon in our buildings, which we go into to get away from the harmful carbon that is coming from our cars, when actually we can not really escape it. I thought that the building of carbon free buildings was amazing, I did not know that it could even be done. The whole project opened my eyes to how we can change the negative effects in every way. AIA 2030 is a nation wide project to eliminate the use of carbon by the year 2030. Which is only 20 years away. This project can really change how this planet is functioning by using the earths resources, such as: water, the sun, and wind. They will be able to run elevators without carbon, run cars without carbon, and power buildings without carbon. We all need to get involved in this project so that we can live on this planet many years past 2030.

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